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Sefiras Ha'Omer Reminder for the Palm Pilot

Main Screen


Sefiras Ha'Omer Reminder




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Preferences Screen

Note: If you are using an earlier version than 1.1c, you should download this update.

Revision History:
  • Added: "Audible Reminder" option.

  • Added: The day of week to the reminder.
  • Fixed: In the morning instead of saying "Today count the ...", it was still saying "Tonight (after dark) count the ...".
  • Added "Already counted the Omer" option

  • Fixed: Bug that caused wrong Sefira!

  • Fixed: bug that caused a Fatal Error
  • First release of the Sefiras Ha'Omer reminder
  • See if there's a workaround to the Palm always going back on even if user counted the Omer!

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